P2PEcon '05: The Third Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems

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P2PEcon '05 Conference

Program chairs: Eric Friedman and Emin Gun Sirer (Cornell University)
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Co-located with: SIGCOMM 2005
Date: August 22, 2005


1. Self-Recharging Virtual Currency, David Irwin, Jeff Chase, Laura Grit and Aydan Yumerefendi (Duke University)

2. Addressing Strategic Behavior in a Deployed Microeconomic Resource Allocator, Chaki Ng, (Harvard); Philip Buonadonna & Brent N. Chun (Intel Research Berkeley); Alex C. Snoeren & Amin Vahdat (University of California at San Diego)

3. An Asynchronous and Secure Ascending Peer-to-Peer Auction, Daniel Rolli, Michael Conrad, Dirk Neumann and Christoph Sorge (University of Karlsruhe)

4. Influences on Cooperation in BitTorrent Communities, Nazareno Andrade (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil); Miranda Mowbray (Hewlet Packard Labs, Bristol); Aliandro Lima and Gustavo Wagner (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil); Matei Ripeanu (University of Chicago)

5. Incentives in BitTorrent Induce Free Riding, Seung Jun and Mustaque Ahamad (Georgia Institute of Technology)

6. A New Mechanism for the Free-rider Problem, Sujay Sanghavi and Bruce Hajek (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

7. Sybilproof Reputation Mechanisms, Alice Cheng and Eric Friedman (Cornell University)

8. Avoiding Ballot Stuffing in eBay-like Reputation Systems, Rajat Bhattacharjee and Ashish Goel (Stanford University)

9. Combating Peer-to-Peer SPAM and Decoys with Object Reputation, Kevin Walsh and Emin Gün Sirer (Cornell University)

10. Reputation-based Pricing of P2P Services, Radu Jurca and Boi Faltings (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

11. Reputation Premium and Network Structure in Electronic Peer-to-Peer Markets, Anindya Ghose, Panagiotis Ipeirotis and Arun Sundararajan (Stern School, New York University)